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Ministry of Foreign Affairs REPUBLIC OF KOREA

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Palau flag

Palau The Republic of Palau

  • ​Overview

      • Establishment of Diplomatic Relations : March 22, 1995
      • Bilateral Trade (2021): $13.32 million
        • Exports : $13.07 million
        • Imports : $0.25 million
      • People-to-People Exchanges
        • Number of Korean visitors to Palau (2020) : 2,702
        • Number of Palauan visitors to the ROK(2020) : 30
      • Number of Long-Term Residents (2019)
        • Korean long-term residents in Palau: 91
      • High-level Exchanges
        • From Palau to the ROK
          • 2011   May Foreign Minister Victor Yano
          • 2012   June Minister of Community and Cultural Affairs Rehuher-Marugg
          • 2014   November Minister of Education Sinton Soalablai
          • 2015   October Ambassador to Japan, Francis Matsutaro
          • 2016   Octobor Director General for Bureau of Agriculture, Fernando Sengebau
          • 2018   August President Remengesau
          • 2018   Octobor Chief Secretary of Ministry of State, Jeffery Antol
        • From the ROK to Palau
          • 2012  April Special Envoy Park Suk-hwan
          • 2015  March Special Envoy Choi Jong-moon
          • 2015  December Ambassador to Philippines Kim Jae-shin
          • 2016  Octobor Delegation of Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Union(APPU)
          • 2017  January Ambassador to Philippines Kim Jae-shin