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Ministry of Foreign Affairs REPUBLIC OF KOREA

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  • ​Overview

      • Establishment of Diplomatic Relations : March 30, 1990
      • Bilateral Trade (2023)
        • Exports : $ 528 million (Automobile Parts, Polyester)
        • Imports : $ 972 million (Automobile Parts, Clothing, Agriculture)
      • The ROK's Investment in Romania (2023.9, cum.) : $ 1,140 million
      • Number of Koreans living in Romania (2023) : 309
      • High-level Exchanges
        • From the ROK to Romania
          • 1990  August Minister of Foreign Affairs Choi Ho-jung
          • 1996  May Prime Minister Lee Soo-sung
          • 1997  May Minister for Trade Lim Chang-ryeol
          • 2001  August Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Choi Sung-hong
          • 2002  August Minister for Trade Hwang Doo-yun
          • 2002  November Speaker Park Kwan-yong
          • 2002  November Minister of Foreign Affairs Choi-Sung-hong
          • 2006  September President Roh Moo-hyun
          • 2008  October Administrator of Public Procurement Service Jang Su-man
          • 2008  October Minister of Administration and Security Won Sei-hoon
          • 2009  May Speaker of the National Assembly Kim Hyung-oh
          • 2009  July Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Kwon Jong-lak
          • 2010  March Minister of Health and Welfare Jeon Jae-hee
          • 2012  May Vice-Minister of Government Administration and Home Affairs Kim Dong-yeon
          • 2012  August Vice-Minister of Government Administration and Home Affairs Suh Pil-un
          • 2014  January Vice-Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Kim Jae-hong
          • 2014  October Vice-Minister of Environment Jung Yeon-man
          • 2016  July Vicd Speaker of the National Assembly Park Joo-sun
          • 2017  February Minister of Foreign Affairs Yun Byeong-se
          • 2018  October Speaker of the National Assembly Moon Hee-sang
          • 2019  May Vice-Minister of Education Park Baeg-beom
          • 2019  June President of the Korea-Romania parliamentary Friendship Group Woo Sang-ho
          • 2019  October Secretary General of the National Assembly Yoo Ihn-tae
          • 2022  August Speaker of the National Assembly Kim Jin-pyo
          • 2022  September Minister of Science and ICT Lee Jong-ho
          • 2022  November Chairman of th Defence Committee of the National Assembly Lee Hun seung
          • 2023  May Prime Minister Han Duck-soo
          • 2024  May Minister of Defense Acquisition Program Administration Seok Jong-gun
          • 2024  June Minister of Defense Shin Won-sik
        • From Romania to the ROK
          • 1991  October Minister of Foreign Affairs Adrian Năstase
          • 1994  March President Ion Iliescu
          • 1997  June Minister of Communications Sorin Pantis
          • 1997  November Minister of Defense Victor Babiuc
          • 1999  April President of the Constitutional Court Lucian Mihai
          • 2001  March Minister of Foreign Affairs Mircea Dan Geoană
          • 2001  November President of the Senate Vacaroiu Nicolae Văcăroiu
          • 2002  September President of the Chamber of Deputies Valer Doneanu
          • 2005  October President Traian Băsescu
          • 2008  September President Traian Băsescu
          • 2010  July Ministry of Foreign Affairs Teodor Baconschi
          • 2011  Ocotober Minister Regional Development and Tourism Elena Udrea
          • 2012  March President Traian Băsescu (Nuclear Security Summit)
          • 2012  May Minister-delegate for the Business Environment Lucian Isar
          • 2012  October Minister for Communications and Information Society Dan Nica
          • 2013  July Minister of Foreign Affairs Titus Corlățean
          • 2015  March State Secretary of Foreign Affairs Carmen Burlacu
          • 2015  March President of the Romania-Korea Parliamentarian Friendship Group Ioan Cupşa
          • 2017  July State Secretary of Foreign Affairs Monica Gheorghiță
          • 2018  November Minister of Foreign Affairs Teodor Meleșcanu
          • 2018  November Minister of Business Environment, Commerce and Enterpreneurship Ștefan-Radu Oprea
          • 2019  November President of the Court of Accounts Mihai Busuioc
          • 2022  September Minister of National Defence Vasile Dincu
          • 2022  December President of the Chamer of Deputies Ion-Marcel Ciolacu and Prime Minister Nicolae Ionel Ciucă
          • 2023  June State Secretary of Foreign Affairs Traian Hristea
          • 2024  February President of the Romania-Korea Parliamentarian Friendship Group Ioan Cupşa
          • 2024  March Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism Ștefan-Radu Oprea
          • 2024  April President Klaus-Werner Iohannis
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